Thursday, February 21, 2008

Editing, Editing, Editing

I suppose this is one for the archives if this blog ever picks up, just so the people going over it and becoming my creepy internet stalkers have some frame of reference.

I haven't posted any new content in awhile because I'm on an editing roll. When I finish that I'm going to assault these archives with a bunch of stuff I have going around in my hand, going a new direction with some reviews because I don't really care anymore.

Editing wise, been focusing on the novel. Figure it's best to do one at a time. Short Story is secondary as I kind of view it as something I wrote to elaborate the world and as a promotional tool and not much else. So far, I'm currently 57/125 pages on Word, and have been making some good progress and finally have conquered my initial error of putting everything in present tense(which sounded weird in context).

Being on an editing mania puts a damper in your time to do much else, but it is a necessary evil.

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