Friday, March 14, 2008

Editing Round 2

Went over the manuscript once again, and as usual, it completely consumed my time as I tend to not know the meaning of moderation. Most of what I did this time was cut useless words and excessive adverbs. I kind of like how it turned out given it all, makes the narrative seem more assertive and less sketchy. I could probably stand to cut more, but I need to stop OCDing over it all really.

Until then it's await feedback from my slow reading friends, before I accidentally lop off some part people really like.

But for now, random movie reviews ahoy:

Balls of Fury - A campy comedy that doesn't try to be anymore than that, thanks to the marvels of editing. It's kind of a testament to it- if you watch the deleted scenes, it's evident they would of brought the movie down by being too serious - which would be a kiss of death for it since it's a movie about a life or death Ping Pong tournament - a concept few would hear and remain straight faced. Very good for what it is. 7/10

Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas - I don't know how this got mixed in with my comedies as I initially thought it was another crime drama since I never really did any research into what it was about outside being based on a book by Hunter S. Thompson. Strangely enough, it's rightfully classified as a comedy and a pretty decent one too. It's all a bit random but given it's about some writer(Side note: Why do writers keep writing about writers? I know it's write what you know, but could you at least try to show some variance? Make them seem less like Author Avatars?) hopped up on more drugs than I honestly knew existed stumbling through Las Vegas for a story, it's a randomness that makes sense as druggies are never the most logical types. It kind of ignores the standard plot structure for "I got high and went around Las Vegas. This is what happened". Just goes to show you that there's no rules to follow if you just want to put something entertaining out there- and probably whatever purpose one could write for. 8/10

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